Andre Ash, Digital Anchor
Mar 22, 2022
A crowded field of candidates are vying for the 13th Congressional District. Wayne County Executive Warren Evans recently created a coalition of Detroit-area political elite to select their “consensus candidate” and for Black representation. After a transparent interview process of candidates, the Legacy Committee for Unified Leadership announced state senator Adam Hollier as their preferred choice.
A crowded field of candidates are vying for the 13th Congressional District. Wayne County Executive Warren Evans recently created a coalition of Detroit-area political elite to select their “consensus candidate” and for Black representation. After a transparent interview process of candidates, the Legacy Committee for Unified Leadership announced state senator Adam Hollier as their preferred choice.
“If we split up the vote too far, we as people of color, we end up in a situation where we can be the only state with this significant of an African American population that does not have a representative in Congress,” said County Executive Evans. “Most of us have been around long enough to know that is very disconcerting to us.”
The group of over 50 community members ranging from religious, business, political officials, and labor unions are standing in solidarity to support Hollier who they believe will represent the interest of Black Detroiters in Congress and gain supporters of the suburban Detroit community as well.
“We are together as a result of a consensus to support an individual who’s record and knowledge and who’s preparedness is what the hour calls for,” said Rev. Wendell Anthony, pastor of Fellowship Chapel. “Our nation is at a crossroads. The Congress of the United States is often in log jam and entrenched in ideological quagmires of inaction. What is needed in the 13th Congressional District and in the city of Detroit is one who possess the energy, the knowledge and the readiness to engage the Congress on day one.”
The crowed race includes, son the late congressman John Conyers Jr., John Conyers lll, former Detroit Police Chief Ralph Godbee Jr., Detroit School board member Sherry Gay-Dagnogo and a host of others.
“This is everybody saying they are going to stand with me,” said state senator Adam Hollier. “This is an incredibly diverse district… this is a district where people need to know I am fully committed. As the only candidate with military service, I understand how important it is to continue to work those relationships and to build on them. This is a new district where need to understand where the representative, hopefully me, understands their unique challenges and get to know them.”
The primary will occur on August 2, 2022. The general election will occur on November 8, 2022. General election candidates will be added here following the primary.