Nicole Walton
Feb 11, 2022
Senators Ed McBroom and Adam Hollier want to use one-time funds to replace the DJ Jacobetti Home in Marquette and construct a new home in Detroit.
LANSING, MI— Two state lawmakers are asking for supplemental funding in the Michigan budget for veterans homes.
Senators Ed McBroom and Adam Hollier want to use one-time funds to replace the DJ Jacobetti Home in Marquette and construct a new home in Detroit. They say plans for both projects were proposed in 2016 and it’s time to follow through by using once-in-a-generation funding and more than $140 million in federal matching funds.
Hollier says Jacobetti cannot fully comply with federal requirements and is reaching a critical juncture for replacement.
The senators don’t want to wait until the budget process is complete. They will push to include the funding in a supplemental appropriations bill.